

- Tag: solicitation

fundraising print promotion ideas

8 Print Ideas for Making the Big Ask

Whether you’re assembling a robust capital campaign solicitation kit, or you need a tidier donor package, the right components can help you secure the funds and support your organization’s needs.

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donate craft heart

The Art of Crafting the Big Ask

We know that asking for support increases the likelihood of receiving it. Simple enough. We also know that how you ask can elevate your solicitation strategy, stacking the odds in your favor. Now, it’s time to start crafting.

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donate button on computer

The Power of the Big Ask

If merely asking for support was all nonprofits had to do to survive, nearly every organization would effortlessly meet its financial goals, satisfy its stakeholders, and leave an indelible imprint on the world. Unfortunately, such a soaring success isn’t the reality for many organizations. Many struggle to stay afloat. In Part 2 of our series we’re explore the Power of the Big Ask

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