When implemented successfully, direct mail marketing can play an integral role in boosting customer engagement and sales, making it a worthy player in your marketing mix. As the bottom-line impacts of this strategy become more evident, we continually look for ways to maximize your results even more. In today’s post, we’ll introduce you to the 40-40-20 rule of direct mail marketing, a handy tool for helping to predict the success of your campaign.
What is the 40-40-20 rule?
The 40-40-20 rule of direct mail marketing says that the success of your campaign depends on three factors: your audience, your offer, and everything else.
Here’s how it breaks down:
· 40% is dependent on your audience
· 40% is dependent on your offer
· 20% is dependent on everything else
Continue reading to learn how these elements can influence your next direct mail advertising campaign.
40%: Your audience
Advertising to the wrong audience is a waste of precious marketing dollars, which is why the success of your direct mail marketing campaign is 40% dependent on reaching the right audience. The more precisely you can pinpoint your target audience, the more effective your direct mail marketing campaign will be. As we wrote in tip #2 in our Direct Mail Marketing Tips for Success post, go beyond basic demographics. Explore factors such as gender, age, location, hobbies, interests, and homeownership status to connect deeper to what matters to your audience for better response rates.
Another way to understand your audience better is to explore their buying habits. For instance, target those who have purchased similar products and their buying method. It also helps to record your customers’ buying history to help you personalize messaging to their preferences and behaviors.
40%: Your offer
The direct mail marketing offer refers to the incentives you’re offering in exchange for a response. This aspect of your campaign constitutes 40% of your direct mail marketing success. When thinking about your offer, consider what might compel your audience to act, as we covered in mistake #5 in our previous post. To make your direct mail marketing offer irresistible, try the following tips:
1. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) – Helping your audience feel they’re missing out without your product or service can make it more compelling for them to respond.
2. Urgency – Including a limited-time offer, trial deadline, or scarcity deadline creates a sense of urgency, helping to make your offer more desirable.
3. Risk-free – Most people are risk-averse, so consider removing the risk of responding to your offer by providing a money-back guarantee or similar incentive.
20%: Everything else
Finally, 20% of the success of your direct mail marketing campaign relies on everything else, including the written copy, design, and format. Copywriting must connect with the target audience by identifying their pain points, frustrations, and hopes. The design must be eye-catching without being too busy, as we discussed in tip #3 on embracing white space in this direct mail marketing post. You may also be interested in our article on designing and printing a brochure effectively to ensure your creative is on par. With the 40-40-20 rule of direct mail marketing in your back pocket, you can begin to improve your print marketing strategy for more leads and sales. For a bigger boost, pair the 40-40-20 rule with IQ Mail, an intelligent marketing-based direct mail solution that can lift campaign results by 23-46%. This advanced technology helps you track campaign effectiveness, calculate ROI, and elevate campaign exposure and response rates. Schedule an IQ Mail demo to learn more.
With decades of experience helping companies get the most from their campaigns, our direct mail services are designed with results in mind. Our expert sales, art, and production teams have what it takes to help you elevate your print communications to the next level. Learn more about our direct mail marketing services, including IQ Mail, on our website or contact us directly for a personalized approach.